Managing your health online

Using an online form (Accurx)

There are many things you can do online at our surgery. Some tasks you can do using a website called [insert OC tool] where you can:

  • request an appointment
  • request a sick note
  • ask about test results
  • contact us about an admin request

You don’t need an account to use this website.


Using your NHS account/NHS App or practice system tool

There are other tasks you can do online, like:

  • order repeat prescriptions
  • view your test results
  • see parts of your health record
  • check or cancel appointments
  • see your vaccination record

For these, you can use your NHS account or practice system tool. You can access them using their websites or apps.

Setting up an NHS account/App

To set up your NHS account for the first time, you will need to set up an NHS login. Read about how to set up NHS login (

Once you have set up your NHS login, you can log in to your NHS account or download the NHS App onto your phone.

Setting up the practice system tool

In order to register for our online service you will need to call at the practice in person with proof of identity.